Opposing a Nuclear Waste Dump in Lincolnshire I have been fighting proposals for a nuclear watse dump in our area since they first came to light in 2021.
Protecting our Constituency from Flooding Flooding can have an absolutely devastating impact on everyone who experiences it, be it residents, businesses or farmers. Protecting our constituency from...
Standing up for our Rural Communities I have always been a committed advocate for our rural, farming and agricultural communities and will always ensure their voice is heard in Westminster.
Objecting to National Grid's On-Shore Pylon Proposal for Lincolnshire I object to National Grid’s proposal for 140km of overhead lines being treated as the default option for Lincolnshire. We deserve to be able to have a...
Tackling Crime I will back our police by supporting measures to equip our officers with the powers and tools they need to keep themselves and all of us safe. I will lobby for...
Championing our Local Economy I have been promoting our local economy in our area, from meeting and speaking to local business owners, to hosting an online jobs and careers fair, and calling...
Improving health and social care I've been campaigning for better health and social care in our area, from the future of our hospital, to individual health conditions that affect residents of...