Conservative Policy Forum ('CPF') is the national policy network which enables Party members to give their views on important policy issues, and help shape the manifesto for the 2015 General Election.
Victoria is Deputy Chairman of the Justice and Home Affairs Sectoral Group, and wrote the latest discussion paper with the Group Chairman, Oliver Sells QC.
Victoria said, "This paper asks whether the Human Rights Act 1998 is a failed Labour experiment.
2015 will be the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. The United Kingdom has a long and proud history of protecting the rights of our citizens and in other countries.
Since the Human Rights Act came into force, however, the phrase "human rights" has come to symbolise for many a legal culture that seems to favour litigious criminals over the law-abiding majority. This paper considers whether the time has come to create a British Bill of Rights which will re-establish the sovereignty of Parliament and our Supreme Court, and enable us to consider which rights we want to protect. It promises to encourage some lively debates across the country!"
The paper can be found at the CPF website:
Acknowledging that this is a complicated area of international law and politics, Oliver and Victoria are happy to attend CPF group meetings to help debate flow. Please contact them [email protected].