Victoria was recently elected unanimously by her fellow members of Parliament to serve as Vice Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes.
Victoria said:
“Diabetes, obesity and other preventable conditions present a drastic threat for the future of our National Health Service, and affect millions of people across the UK.
This Group has a significant role to play in promoting engagement and sharing best practice between parliamentarians, health experts and the public. I am pleased to have been elected to work with colleagues in leading the fight against this condition.
I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of three, so I know how the condition affects people. I am particularly concerned to ensure that children with diabetes are encouraged to take part in sport, and that it is not seen as a barrier to their career hopes.
These are significant concerns here in Louth & Horncastle. The CCG for East Lincolnshire estimates there are 15,891 people with diabetes in the region. I am looking forward to tackling this important issue on both a local and national level.”