Victoria Atkins MP was part of the victorious team of MPs who competed against teams from the House of Lords and members of the media in the 2016 Rehab Parliamentary Pancake Race.
Rehab is a charity which supports disabled people and others who are marginalised. It provides life-changing services to people in England, Wales and Scotland each year. These include care, rehabilitation, training, labour market and employment services to people living with a wide range of disabilities, as well as those who are marginalised and looking for support in gaining skills and job-seeking.
Victoria said,
“I was delighted to support the disability charity Rehab by taking part in the first Parliamentary Pancake race of this Parliament.
It was great fun to join colleagues in this, surprisingly competitive event, which saw Members of Parliament bring home the Tin Cup of victory!
Of course, the purpose of the race was to support the excellent work being undertaken by Rehab to support the disabled and the most vulnerable in our society. Rehab were the real winners on the day.”