Lincolnshire is famous for its beautiful coastline and the rolling hills of the Lincolnshire Wolds AONB. To press ahead with a proposal that has the potential to tarnish the reputation of this wonderful natural asset with the toxic stigma of radioactive waste should not be done rashly.
At no point did Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) or RWM contact me directly about this proposal before their plans were made public by the BBC. My initial reaction has been one of shock and deep concern and I appreciate that local residents are understandably worried about this news.
I have subsequently met the Chief Executive of RWM and have spoken to the leader of LCC about the project. Nothing that I have heard at this stage has convinced me that this proposal would be beneficial for our area. I will, of course, continue to listen to those who believe it would be.
It is vital that there is transparency, and that local people are aware of the process and key information if this progresses to the next steps. These decisions will stay with us for the next 100,000 years. RWM has reassured me that if this proposal develops, which will take many years, it will only happen with the express consent of local residents through a “public test of support”- this means a referendum or survey, apparently.
At this current time, it is solely for LCC to decide whether to progress talks. I would, therefore, encourage you to contact the Council and your County councillor directly with your concerns, so they are aware of local opinion before taking any further steps.
I will follow this matter closely and continue to work on finding needed answers on behalf of my constituents.